We did a lot of work together and we had a lot to show. One of the great opportunities for the French students to present our achievements was THE EUROPE DAY that took place in May. On May 10th, a group of  15 students left Le Beauset for Toulon because they were invited to celebrate the Europe Day. That was an interesting experience!

They met colleagues who were involved in European projects and they had the surprise to see and listen to kids aged 5 presenting a school-project. They were so cute and serious! The students from Beausset showed their various Power Point activities and commented on them. They also answered the questions coming from the audience! They were impressed by older students who talked about a first professional training-session in Spain and in Germany. They developped a strong feeling of European identity.


With a lot of work done, it was also time to look back and evaluate our 10-month-long common work on the project. All the students took a survey made in SurveyMonkey, then we collected the answers and compared them. You can see them in the photo gallery below.


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PROJECT EVALUATION - French students

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PROJECT EVALUATION - Italian students

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